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Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard
Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard. How to achieve superperfomance in stocks in any market Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard. How to achieve superperfomance in stocks in any market
For the first time ever, U.S. Investing Champion Mark Minervini reveals the proven, time-tested trading system he used to achieve triple-digit returns for five consecutive years, averaging 220% per year for a 33,500% compounded total return.
In Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini unveils his trademarked stock market method SEPA, which provides outsized returns in virtually every market by combining careful risk management, self-analysis, and perseverance. He explains in detail how to select precise entry points and preserve capital―for consistent triple- digit returns.
Whether you're just getting started in the stock market or you're a seasoned pro, Minervini will show how you how to achieve SUPERPERFORMANCE! You'll gain valuable knowledge as he shares lessons, trading truths, and specific tactics all derived from his 30-year career as one of America's most successful stock traders.
With more than 160 chart examples and numerous case studies proving the remarkable effectiveness of Minervini's methodology, Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard puts in your hands one of the most effective and until now secretive stock investing systems in the world.
MARK MINERVINI has a trademarked stock market method that produces outsized returns in virtually every market. It's called Specific Entry Point Analysis SEPA and it has been proven effective for selecting precise entry points, preserving capital and profits with even more precise exit points and consistently producing triple-digit returns.
Now, in Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini shares for the first time ever his coveted methodology with investors like you!
Это инструкция к торговой системе трёхкратного победителя по трейдинг Марка Минервини. Ноль воды и размазни вида: «Покупай хорошие акции и хороший бизнес» или «Пережидай посадки по -50%».
Чёткая инструкция состоит из:
1. Когда торговать, а когда нет.
2. Как находить супер-акции. Конкретный критерии и метрики
3. Когда покупать и когда продавать. Различные сценарии с примерами
4. Мани и Риск-менеджмент. Сколько акций иметь в портфеле, какой размер позиции и т.п.
Отличное дополнение тем, кто торгует по стратеги Уильяма ОНила CAN SLIM.