geks Новости рынков
10 августа 2011, 17:27

S&P подтвердила рейтинг Франции ААА

S&P подтвердила рейтинг Франции ААА, хотя ожидали что рейтинг будет понижен, как стране со самой слабой экономикой среди стран с ААА рейтингом.
PARIS, Aug 7 (Reuters) — France's AAA rating is stable,  ratings agency Standard and Poor's chief European economist  Jean-Michel Six told France Inter radio on Sunday.       «The French rating is stable,» Six said.        Six said that political leadership and good governance are a  major factor in ratings agencies' deliberations about rating  reviews.        French bond holders fear that following the downgrade of  U.S. debt from AAA to AA  on Friday, the spotlight could turn on  France, which would push up French interest rates.       France has the weakest economic fundamentals among the six  AAA rated countries in the euro zone [ID:nLDE76G025] and French  President Nicolas Sarkozy has made the defence of the country's  AAA rating a top government priority.      The three major ratings agencies have all reaffirmed France's  AAA ratings over the past eight months.
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