Investment Technology Group is an independent agency broker and financial technology provider specializing in institutional liquidity, execution services, analytical tools and proprietary research grounded in data. The firm has been a leader in electronic trading since launching Posit in 1987, the first anonymous crossing and trade-matching venue for institutional investors. Today ITG offers algorithms, pre-and post-trade analytical tools and dark crossing as well as a high-touch trading desk. Recently, ITG rolled out Liquidity 2.0, a liquidity aggregator to help asset managers interact with liquidity while filtering out toxic order flow. Moving into the proprietary research space through several acquisitions, ITG is evolving into a full-service agency broker by partnering with asset managers globally to deliver performance throughout the investment process.
New York Trading Floor

Touring the Floor
International Trading
Global Algos and Dark Liquidity
Emerging Markets
Head of U.S. and Latin America
Co-Head of Sales and Trading East Region
Monitoring the Markets
Liquidity 2.0
Sell-Side Order Flow

White Labeling Algos
Switching Between Options Systems
Testing New Products
Head of Sales/Trading
Monitoring Daily Volume
EMS Variety
Head of Liquidity Management
Cross Products

Записи по теме:
Trading floor Investment Technology Group
Дилинговый зал ВТБ
Trading floor Bloomberg Tradebook (Manhattan)
Trading floor Direct Access Partners