комментарии Gameking_Master_Life на форуме

  1. «Our company Prvo plinarsko društvo d.o.o. is interested in purchasing Fortenova DRs.
    In this point, we are open to discuss the possible trade within the price which doesn't exceed 25 % of the nominal value.
    Please get in touch with me if you are interested in selling any of your exposure».
    client A
    Total voting eligible DRs across all claims
    Total Eligible CBs across all claims
    73 960
    Nominal Principal Amount of CBs Held (EUR)
    client B
    Total voting eligible DRs across all claims
    Total Eligible CBs across all claims
    Nominal Principal Amount of CBs Held (EUR)
    «We are interested in buying the shares but within a price that doesn't exceed 25 % of the nominal value.
    Which means:
    Client A – 23.112,50 eur
    Client B – 11.556,25 eur

    If this price is ok for you or your client please let me know, and you will be contacted by our lawyers for futures steps.»


    Скиньте контакты покупателей бумаг FORTENOVA

    AlexGodman, напишите свою почту?
  2. «Our company Prvo plinarsko društvo d.o.o. is interested in purchasing Fortenova DRs.
    In this point, we are open to discuss the possible trade within the price which doesn't exceed 25 % of the nominal value.
    Please get in touch with me if you are interested in selling any of your exposure».
    client A
    Total voting eligible DRs across all claims
    Total Eligible CBs across all claims
    73 960
    Nominal Principal Amount of CBs Held (EUR)
    client B
    Total voting eligible DRs across all claims
    Total Eligible CBs across all claims
    Nominal Principal Amount of CBs Held (EUR)
    «We are interested in buying the shares but within a price that doesn't exceed 25 % of the nominal value.
    Which means:
    Client A – 23.112,50 eur
    Client B – 11.556,25 eur

    If this price is ok for you or your client please let me know, and you will be contacted by our lawyers for futures steps.»
  3. Добрый день. Есть среди участников чата те, кто продолжает отслеживать судьбу новых бумаг Фортенова Групп? Мне на почту несколько месяцев назад написал представитель крупной европейской компании, заинтересованной в выкупе бумаг по цене не дороже 25% от их номинальной стоимости. Если для кого-то это может быть актуально, напишите — поделюсь имеющимися контактами и данными. Также буду признателен, если поделитесь какой-то дополнительной свежей информацией по этой теме? Спасибо.
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