«Our company Prvo plinarsko društvo d.o.o. is interested in purchasing Fortenova DRs.
In this point, we are open to discuss the possible trade within the price which doesn't exceed 25 % of the nominal value.
Please get in touch with me if you are interested in selling any of your exposure».
client A
Total voting eligible DRs across all claims
Total Eligible CBs across all claims
73 960
Nominal Principal Amount of CBs Held (EUR)
client B
Total voting eligible DRs across all claims
Total Eligible CBs across all claims
Nominal Principal Amount of CBs Held (EUR)
«We are interested in buying the shares but within a price that doesn't exceed 25 % of the nominal value.
Which means:
Client A – 23.112,50 eur
Client B – 11.556,25 eur
If this price is ok for you or your client please let me know, and you will be contacted by our lawyers for futures steps.»
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