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Symbol of the Trinity of God, One and Three times Saint. It represents the God-Father in the Holy Trinity. It symbolizes also the Sky.
A solar number according to the Cabal and the Tarot.
The popes John-Paul I and John-Paul II have been elected both by a conclave of 111 cardinals.
In his «De praestigiis daemonum», appeared to Bale in 1568, John Wier estimates «apart from calculation error», the number of the demons to 7405926, divided into 111 legions of each 666 henchmen.
According to the apocryphal book «History of Joseph the carpenter», Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus, was first married in first wedding and had six children, four boys and two girls. He remarries after three years of widowhood with the Virgin Mary, to 93 years, and dies to 111 years, after eighteen years in the familiarity of Jesus.