Транскрипт конференц-звонка по операционным и неаудированным финансовым результатам ПАО Магнит за 3 Кв и 9M 2019 года
Yulia Gerasimova: Okay, thank you very much. And my second question was on dividends outlook. I
think previously your soft guidance was that Magnit would like to maintain about the same absolute
amount of dividends. Actually, last year set quite a high standard, about RUB 30 billion. With the
net income basically being soft compared to last year, are you still sticking to that?
And what's your outlook on the dividends? I see that your Russian accounting standards is actually
ahead of IFRS, providing you the opportunity to pay more than 100% if you wish to do so. Are you
willing to pay such a high dividend this year?
Jan Dunning: Now, due to the decision on the height of the dividend has not been made yet, I can't give
you today any information. But there is from our side no inclination to change the policy like we did
last year. So, I guess that you can expect a dividend payment for the second time.
Magnit 3Q and 9M 2019 Trading Update and Financial Highlights Conference Call
Page | 10 29.10.2019
Yulia Gerasimova: Can you just clarify, what do you mean no change into the dividend strategy compared
to last year? What does it mean?
Jan Dunning: We have always been paying twice a year. We've paid here in June-July. And I think we
expect to have a dividend payment as well in January. We won't have any change in absolute
terms as well.
Важно: We won't have any change in absolute terms as well.