Новости рынков
The Board has recommended to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held on April 17, 2020 to approve distribution of RUB 4 533 124 875.56 as dividends for 2019, which constitutes 47% of total consolidated comprehensive income attributable to shareholders for 2019. Given that the Company has already approved and paid interim dividends for the year ending as of 31.12.2019 in amount of RUB 1 683 841 245.27, the outstanding amount for 2019 is RUB 2 849 283 630.29.
The payment of the dividends should be executed in US dollars based on the official exchange rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 6 March 2020, which equals to RUB 66.1854 per USD 1. Therefore, the total outstanding dividend payment for the year ending as of 31.12.2019 will be USD 43 050 032.64. The total payout of dividends for the full year 2019 will be USD 68 605 099.52. The Company owns 2,135,313 of its own GDRs (5 GDRs represent 1 share), which will be excluded from dividend distribution; considering that, the Company will pay USD 1.60 (gross) per share or USD 0.32 (gross) per GDR. The dividend record date which is 17 April 2020 (the ex-dividend date is 16 April 2020).
The payment date is on or before 29 May 2020.