New data for non-OECD countries for 2015 reduces global oil demand by an average 330 kb/d in 2015-2018. For 2017, growth has been revised up to 1.5 mb/d, with demand reaching 97.6 mb/d. In 2018, growth slows slightly to 1.4 mb/d when demand will be 99.0 mb/d. In 4Q18, demand will reach 100.1 mb/d.
In July, global oil supply increased by 520 kb/d versus June. It was the third consecutive monthly increase. Global supply is up 500 kb/d on a year ago.
Non-OPEC output is expected to expand by 0.7 mb/d in 2017 and 1.4 mb/d in 2018, including 0.6 mb/d and 1.0 mb/d, respectively, for the US. The ten non-OPEC countries cooperating with OPEC saw their compliance rate improve to 67% in July.
OPEC crude output rose by 230 kb/d in July to a 2017 high of 32.84 mb/d, led by a strong recovery in Libya. Output from the 12 members included in the output pact edged up, eroding the compliance rate to 75%, the lowest this year. Year-to-date compliance is 87%.
OECD industry stocks fell in June by 19.3 mb to 3 021 mb on strong refinery runs and oil product exports, but are still 219 mb above the five-year average. In 2Q17, global oil stocks drew by 0.5 mb/d, including 0.2 mb/d in the OECD. Provisional data shows further falls in July, including the largest monthly US crude stock draw for more than three years.
Benchmark crude prices rose by $1-2/bbl in July with higher crude demand from refiners and anticipated oil field maintenance. Sweet-sour spreads widened for the first time in four months. Strong demand and refinery outages in Europe boosted diesel and gasoline prices.
Refining throughput is expected to reach its annual peak in August, with runs at 81.4 mb/d. 3Q17 throughput is forecast to grow 0.9 mb/d y-o-y. Global refining activity will seasonally decline in September and October, before bouncing back in November.
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