Удалённый аккаунт
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14 августа 2022, 07:00

Киссинджер заявил, что США находятся на грани войны с Россией и Китаем

Бывший госсекретарь США Генри Киссинджер заявил The Wall Street Journal, что Вашингтон отверг традиционную дипломатию и в отсутствие великого лидера привел мир к пропасти войны из-за Украины и Тайваня.


В оригинале статьи WSJ:

Mr. Kissinger sees today’s world as verging on a dangerous disequilibrium. “We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it’s supposed to lead to,” he says. Could the U.S. manage the two adversaries by triangulating between them, as during the Nixon years? He offers no simple prescription. “You can’t just now say we’re going to split them off and turn them against each other. All you can do is not to accelerate the tensions and to create options, and for that you have to have some purpose.”

On the question of Taiwan, Mr. Kissinger worries that the U.S. and China are maneuvering toward a crisis, and he counsels steadiness on Washington’s part. “The policy that was carried out by both parties has produced and allowed the progress of Taiwan into an autonomous democratic entity and has preserved peace between China and the U.S. for 50 years,” he says. “One should be very careful, therefore, in measures that seem to change the basic structure.”

Mr. Kissinger courted controversy earlier this year by suggesting that incautious policies on the part of the U.S. and NATO may have touched off the crisis in Ukraine. He sees no choice but to take Vladimir Putin’s stated security concerns seriously and believes that it was a mistake for NATO to signal to Ukraine that it might eventually join the alliance: “I thought that Poland—all the traditional Western countries that have been part of Western history—were logical members of NATO,” he says. But Ukraine, in his view, is a collection of territories once appended to Russia, which Russians see as their own, even though “some Ukrainians” do not. Stability would be better served by its acting as a buffer between Russia and the West: “I was in favor of the full independence of Ukraine, but I thought its best role was something like Finland.”

He says, however, that the die has now been cast. After the way Russia has behaved in Ukraine, “now I consider, one way or the other, formally or not, Ukraine has to be treated in the aftermath of this as a member of NATO.” Still, he foresees a settlement that preserves Russia’s gains from its initial incursion in 2014, when it seized Crimea and portions of the Donbas region, though he does not have an answer to the question of how such a settlement would differ from the agreement that failed to stabilize the conflict 8 years ago.

5 Комментариев
  • Albert Rudolfovich
    14 августа 2022, 07:09

    Станет ли этот черный гусь причиной такого движения Si?
  • И как отсидеться в тылу в такие времена и не быть обдолбаным экспериментальными прививками с истекшим сроком годности, не быть затащенным на всякие войнушки-пострелушки? 
  • Игорь ПМ
    14 августа 2022, 12:41
    Киссинджеру более 99 лет…
    Помню, когда бабушке жены было 90 лет:
    1 случай: Глядя на играющих своих правнучек (Кристину (10 лет) и Алису (12 лет)) спросила: «А хто ж енто? Ну енто вон вроде Ленкья (показала на Кристину), а енто шо за кобыла скачет (показала на Алису)?».
    2 случай: Увидела по ТВ соревнования по бодибилдингу и спросила: «А енто люди, ай нет?»
  • Oti Do
    14 августа 2022, 16:39
    Как думаешь, в жопу и в рот, пендос выдержит?

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