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First, keep in mind that the COMEX palladium «market» is wildly more leveraged than gold and silver. See below:
COMEX SILVER: 1,000,000,000 digital ounces. 300,000,000 in the vaults. Leverage is 3.3:1
COMEX GOLD: 52,000,000 digital ounces. 8,000,000 ounces in the vaults. Leverage is 6.5:1
COMEX PLATINUM: 3,600,000 digital ounces. 172,000 ounces in the vaults. Leverage is 21:1
COMEX PALLADIUM: 2,800,000 digital ounces. 42,583 ounces in the vaults. Leverage is 66:1
When the March19 contract went off the board in late February, there were 213 contracts still op

Старая статья про палладий на zerohedge

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