Блог им. neowave_trader |Перевод статьи Introducing Neely River Trading Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Market Trading (Part 1)

Введение в технологию трейдинга Рек Нили (Neely River
Trading Technology): смена парадигмы торговли на финансовых рынках (часть первая из трех).

Бад Фокс:
Приветствую вас, трейдеры. Меня зовут Бад Фокс, мой вебсайт называется GreedandMoney.com. Сегодня я получил замечательную возможность пообщаться с экспертом в области NEoWave Гленном Нили. Гленн расскажет нам о том, над чем он работал годы – о Технологии Трейдинга Рек Нили (Neely River Trading Technology). Впервые он действительно готов раскрыть некоторые философские основы, на которых базируется эта теория. И это в самом деле уникальная возможность для нас, потому что до этого момента было весьма проблематично найти в открытом доступе какую-либо информацию по этому вопросу. И сегодня день, когда Гленн готов предстать перед нами как трейдер и представить нам идею, на которой основана его теория. Гленн, будьте любезны, расскажите нам, о чем вообще эта теория Рек Нили?

Гленн Нили:

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Блог им. neowave_trader |Introducing Neely River Trading Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Market Trading (Part 2)

An interview series with Glenn Neely, Part 2 of 3


Hello, traders. This is Bud Fox from GreedandMoney.com. Today, again I have the privilege to have the well-respected expert Glenn Neely on NEoWave and Neely River theory here with me. This is the second part of our interview regarding Neely River Trading Technology. In our last discussion, we covered the focus. Neely River theory has three different types of traders, and how to trade the market depends on whichever trader is dominating the market at the time. Today we are going deeper into exactly how Neely River theory works.

Glenn Neely:
I’ll go into some different aspects of it and make some interesting comparisons to Wave theory, which will probably be very intriguing to most people. I would like to pick up a little bit about where we left off from the last interview to bring people up to speed. Then we can move on a little bit.

Sure. Please go ahead.

Glenn Neely:
Last time, we talked about the comparison of water flowing through a river with gravity being the primary force – and prices moving through a market with money being the primary force. I had shown two different charts, one showing fluid dynamics in a river. Then I compared that to the three zones that this creates in a river. We have a wave of turbulence near the north bank, a wave of turbulence near the south bank and more directional action near the middle of a river.

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Блог им. neowave_trader |Introducing Neely River Trading Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Market Trading (Part 1)

Introducing Neely River Trading Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Market Trading

An interview series with Glenn Neely, Part 1 of 3

Hello, traders. My name is Bud Fox. I have a trading website called GreedandMoney.com. Today I have the privilege of speaking with NEoWave expert Glenn Neely, here to talk about something he has been working on in for years called Neely River Trading Technology.
This is the first time that he is ready to reveal some of the philosophical foundations of what this theory is based on. It is truly a privilege for us to hear this, because it has been challenging to find information online as a trader as to what this is about. It is time that he presents himself to give us some idea of what this theory is about. Glenn, would you mind giving an introduction about your Neely River theory, please?

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