OrganiGram Holdings (OGI) Cost of production US GAAP (year values)

2021 2022 2022 2023 2023   LTM ? CAGR 5 years ?
Cost of production, C$ 107 562 000 114 240 000 114 240 000 183 012 610 114 132 010   133 879 000  
Changes by years, y/y, % 0% +6% 0% +60% -38%     +23.8%

OrganiGram Holdings. Cost of production, C$

OrganiGram Holdings. Cost of production, changes, %

OrganiGram Holdings. Cost of production, sum by quarters, C$

OrganiGram Holdings (OGI) Cost of production US GAAP (quarter values)

2023Q4 2024Q1 2024Q2 2024Q2 2024Q3   LTM ?
Cost of production, C$ 58 786 000 29 755 000 38 536 000 38 536 000 27 052 000   133 879 000
Changes by years, y/y, % +88% +53% +30% +30% -28%    
Changes by quarters, q/q, % 0% -49% +30% 0% -30%    

OrganiGram Holdings. Cost of production, C$

OrganiGram Holdings. Cost of production, changes, y/y, %

OrganiGram Holdings. Cost of production, changes, q/q, %