Блог им. kurd
local Titles, Entries, Desk = {}, {}, {} local Wn1_Hndl local Wn1_Field1, Wn1_Field2, Wn1_Field3, Wn1_Field4, Wn1_Field5 = "Код CALL", "Страйк", "Дельта CALL", "Дельта расч", "Теор. расч" function OnInit (scriptPath) qu = require ("QuikUtil(qu)") -- qc, lu, tu blk = require ("BlackScholes(blk)") glb_ScriptDir, glb_ScriptName = lu.SplitPath (scriptPath) message (glb_ScriptName .." started") server = require ("OptionDesk") end -- OnInit() function OnStop (signal) if Wn1_Hndl then DestroyTable (Wn1_Hndl) end StopFlag = true return 1000 -- 1 sec end local function ShowWin (cols) for k = 1, #Desk do local calCode = Desk[k][Entries[Wn1_Field1]] if calCode:sub (3,3) == "0" then calCode = calCode:sub (1,2) . <a name="cut"></a> . calCode:sub (4) end local strike = Desk[k][Entries[Wn1_Field2]] local deltaDesk = Desk[k][Entries[Wn1_Field3]] local base = Desk[k][Entries["Цена баз. актива"]] local dura = qu.GetParamNum (qc.SPBOPT, calCode, qc.DAYS_TO_MAT_DATE) / 365 local vola = qu.GetParamNum (qc.SPBOPT, calCode, qc.VOLATILITY) / 100 local deltaCalc = blk.BS_CDELTA (base, strike, dura, 0, vola) local theorCalc = blk.BS_CALL (base, strike, dura, 0, vola) SetCell (Wn1_Hndl, k, 1, calCode) SetCell (Wn1_Hndl, k, 2, tostring (strike)) SetCell (Wn1_Hndl, k, 3, string.format (cols[3][4], deltaDesk)) SetCell (Wn1_Hndl, k, 4, string.format (cols[3][4], deltaCalc)) SetCell (Wn1_Hndl, k, 5, string.format (cols[5][4],theorCalc)) local clr = math.abs (deltaCalc / deltaDesk - 1) > 0.01 and RGB (223,127,127) or QTABLE_DEFAULT_COLOR SetColor (Wn1_Hndl, k, 4, clr ,QTABLE_DEFAULT_COLOR, QTABLE_DEFAULT_COLOR, QTABLE_DEFAULT_COLOR) end -- for k end -- ShowWin() function main() local res = server.start (glb_ScriptDir .. glb_ScriptName ..".log") if not res then message ("Server.start failed ".. tostring (res)) return end while not StopFlag do if Wn1_Hndl and IsWindowClosed (Wn1_Hndl) then break end local tbl = server.event() if type (tbl) == "table" then local s = "#tbl ".. #tbl if #Titles == 0 then s = s .. " #Titles ".. #Titles for i = 1, #tbl[1] do Titles[i] = tbl[1][i] end message (s .."\n".. table.concat (tbl[1], "\n") .."\n#Titles ".. #Titles) Entries = {} for i = 1,#tbl[1] do Entries[tbl[1][i]] = i end message ("Entries\n".. lu.Serialize (Entries, "\n")) elseif #Desk == 0 then s = s .." #tbl[1] ".. #tbl[1] for i = 1, #tbl do Desk[i] = {} for j = 1, #tbl[i] do Desk[i][j] = tbl[i][j] end if i < 3 then message (table.concat (Desk[i], "\n")) end end message (s) local caption = glb_ScriptName local rowNum = #Desk local cols = { {Wn1_Field1, QTABLE_STRING_TYPE, 15, "%s"} ,{Wn1_Field2, QTABLE_DOUBLE_TYPE, 12, "%f"} ,{Wn1_Field3, QTABLE_DOUBLE_TYPE, 15, "%.5f"} ,{Wn1_Field4, QTABLE_DOUBLE_TYPE, 15, "%.5f"} ,{Wn1_Field5, QTABLE_DOUBLE_TYPE, 15, "%.2f"} } Wn1_Hndl = qu.MakeWin (caption, rowNum, cols) ShowWin (cols) end -- if #Titles == 0 .. else end -- if type (tbl) == "table" end -- while not StopFlag server.stop() message ("StopFlag ".. tostring (StopFlag)) end -- main()
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