Блог им. wannatradelikePTJ

DAX brief update

Dax June 13 had a 300 points dynamic sell-off after reaching my stipulated targets above 8500. Taking into account the dynamics of the downmove, I am switching to the alternative wave count I've shown the other day — that is, the  Dax has topped on 22 May. This implies much more downside outright, with targets below 7400. Short term, a residual upswing to ~8450 is possible, but any such upside should be retraced down thereafter, immediately. Stay tuned
  • Ключевые слова:
  • DAX
3 комментария
8180 отскок 8350
но есть сопротивление 8250, без отскока не пройдём
Добавил шорта. Цель первая 8120

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