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3 Python Projects That Will Help Automate Your Life

Most jobs have some tasks that add little value to our profession. Doing such tasks once isn’t a big deal, but when they become repetitive and time-consuming, they have to be automated.
By automating tasks you will stop wasting time doing mundane tasks and focus on what matters most for you. On top of that, you will put into practice all your knowledge in Python and even learn new things.
In this guide, I will show you 3 Python projects that helped me automate some of my everyday tasks at work and hopefully will help you too.
1. Automate Excel Reporting
Think of all the things you have to do to make an Excel reporting — you use Excel formulas, create a pivot table, make a chart, and format the worksheet.
Doing it once is easy, but things get complicated when you have to do it lots of times. Fortunately, Python can help you automate these tasks, so you’ll only need a couple of clicks the next time you have to make an Excel reporting.
How to solve this project
In Python, we can use openpyxl and Pandas to automate your Excel reporting. Here’s a guide I made to automate your Excel reporting with Python. Both are great Python libraries, but the downside is that it might take some time for beginners to learn openpyxl and it doesn’t have applications beyond Excel.
There’s an easier approach to automate your Excel reporting though. You only need to install a Python library named mitosheet (aka Mito). This library allows us to group data and calculate summary stats using an intuitive Excel-like interface. The best part is that Mito generates the code for each edit, so we’ll be able to see the Python code that corresponds to each edit.
In the example below, you can see how I used mitosheet’s interface to create a pivot table. After making the pivot table, the code is automatically created, isn’t that great?

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