Блог им. SergiyPodolyak |Полезные штуки-1: Книги по алготрейдингу.

Привожу пожалуй лучший в мире список книг на английском по финансовой математике (по квонтам, Quants):
Begin with standard introductory financial time series asset dynamics, volatility, and forecast modeling:

    Analysis of Financial Time Series, by Tsay: standard applied time series text for financial econometrics
    Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis, by Alexander: excellent introduction to financial modeling and forecast
    Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction, by Taylor: classic text on financial modeling and forecast

Proceed to modern portfolio theory and financial engineering:

    Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, by Elton et al.: standard text on modern portfolio theory
    Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, by Hull: standard reference for introductory financial engineering
    Active Portfolio Management, by Grinold & Kahn: standard introduction to quantitative portfolio management by the BGI guys who invented it
    Principles of Financial Engineering, by Neftci: intermediate financial engineering

Continue on to volatility for options and correlation / dispersion for arb:

    Volatility and Correlation, by Rebonato: excellent coverage of volatility and correlation
    Volatility Trading, by Sinclair: volatility arbitrage by a retail practitioner

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