




DAX brief update

Contrary to my expectations back yesterday, Dax June 13 has reversed upward  and is rising through the day. Still, it appears that market is in upward correction and soon to reverse downward. If not — much more gains are to follow. I am flat here, waiting for the signals to clarify the current juncture.
DAX brief update 

DAX brief update

Yeserday I wrote: «I expect some moderate upward bias (probably upto 7756) tomorrow/Wednesday in order to finish-off the developing upward correction.» 

Indeed, Dax June 13 has continued upward today in the morning, reaching the intra-day high of 7735,5 and then reversed to the downside. Prop indicators  are in the «sell» mode across the board. I'm short against 7702 on my «swing-trading» account and remain short on «position-trading» account.

DAX brief update


DAX brief update

Dax June 13 has been trading in choppy sideways manner today. The larger trend remains DOWN, albeit I expect some moderate upward bias (probably upto 7756) tomorrow/Wednesday in order to finish-off the developing upward correction. Then the downtrend should resume.

Stay tuned.

Are you looking for the next Bull Market? Look no further than Natural Gaz (NG)!!!

Natural Gaz has been in prolonged, torturing Bear-trend since at least 2005. Bull's hopes had been crushed several times during this period. Now every average Joe has the «intellectual» reason to be bearish on NG — oh yes, that «Shale gaz Revolution», don't you know, stupid?.. Despite the price is already +100% UP since lows of 2012.  This have all the hallmarks of emerging Bull trend on this particular market, implying that the largest gains are still ahead.
Are you looking for the next Bull Market?  Look no further than Natural Gaz (NG)!!!


DAX brief update

on 3rd April I wrote: «Dax June 13 turned down, I sold short today stop 7967. Pattern-wise it's still messy, but my prop indicators turned into sell-mode. „

Today Dax June 13 has reached inta-day low of 7672.5, thus taken out previous low of 27th March. Bearish case remains very much on-track and reinforced by the recent price-action. 

Stay tuned. 

ES e-mini future

Today in the morning, I said «E-mini (ES) future is setting up for a swift, sizable (200+) move down». Now it looks like the set-up has been triggered, and it should be all the way down from here. Moreover — this could likely be the top of 4 year Bull trend. Look out below!
 ES e-mini future


Lots of buzz regarding Ruble today. Here is the chart possibility which I have been  keeping my eye on for the last several years, and it slowly (and not that slowly today:) develops into a credible bearish set-up. The implications are straight and simple  - ruble is doomed. It is pretty much in-line with outstanding set-ups in commodities and the Russian stock market.

DAX brief update

Dax June 13 turned down, I sold short today stop 7967. Pattern-wise it's still messy, but my prop indicators turned into sell-mode. 

P.S.  While i dont think that making provoking calls is good idea for a trader, still I must say, that it is my personal belief — today, 03 April 2013, US indicies -SPX and DJIA, have both finished their 4-year  Bull trend from the lows of 2009. From now on, Global Markets are into the next Bear market, and it is gonna be quite a trend. 

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