We now value Tesla by taking the average of 3 scenarios. In the first scenario, we assume total sales of 105K (Model S: 50K units, Next Gen: 55K) and operating margins of 14.6% implying an EPS of $5.99. Layering on a 20x multiple given the growth prospects implies a value of $120 which discounted at 20% implies a stock price of $58. We then look at a bull case where we assume that TSLA will be able to get approximately 3.5% global market share in the entry lux and mid-lux category suggesting total volumes of 200K units. The 3.5% market share assumption is consistent with the typical 3-5 year share gains seen by the most successful industry players across multiple luxury sub-segments over the past decade. We assume an operating margin of 15.2% in this scenario, which is slightly better than the 15% guidance that TSLA has provided as we see TSLA benefitting from better operating leverage given higher volumes. The implied stock price in this scenario comes at $113. We also value Tesla in a mid-case where we assume volumes of 150K units and operating margins of 14.8% which is broadly the mid-point of the two scenarios. The implied price in this scenario is $83. Finally, we take the average of these three scenarios to get our target price of $84.

Мой целевой уровень по акциям данной компании 80-79
Вчера были набраны
августовские путы 125 страйка
сентябьские путы 120 страйка

Сегодня их скину далее буду ожидать пробоя уровня в 108 дол
После этого шорты будут возобновлены.
На текущий момент акции компании явно раздуты сильно.
Пузырь начал сдуваться.
Такой тайминг — это невероятно круто :)
ЗЫ. В каких еще акциях есть подобная идея?
потенциал снижения 19%
ниже 220 шорт с целью 180-175
Вы — молодец! Спасибо за ответы!