Блог им. pavlo50
Здравствуйте! Компания Веб-займ. Меня зовут Софья.Чем могу помочь Вам? Как могу к Вам обращаться?
Чем могу помочь Вам?
-I got SMS about aprooved a loan from you. What is it?
-What messedge was?
-About a loan.
-Waite. I check up information.
-I didn't want it at all.
-Thanks for waiting! This is pre-approved information. If you have a personal page on our site you can get a loan.
-I do not want any loan! Especially from you.
-If you dont have a personal page you will not get a loan.
-Why you send me any SMS?
-Its a newslatter.
-I didn't want it anyway!
-To block your account, please write an appeal, attach a scan or photo of your passport 2-3 pages and send it to our email address [email protected].
-Maybe do you want keys from my apartment, were I have my money? Did you read a book «12 chairs?
-I can only answer questions about the company.
От безделья?)
-Yes, mogu, umeu (напевая Лет ми спик фром май харт)