Блог им. w88 |The story. As Toni , has increased one million Part 10.

Telephone conversation. 2015.03.30.

Gofry ---Morning Toni! We Buy actions Wal Mart Stores.

We expect 83.70. How many to take?

Тони-Morning. I take on 300000 $ I Can?

Gofry — You in game. Expectations a floor of year year

Probably earlier.

Телефонный разговор. 2015.03.30.

Gofry---Утро Toni! Покупаем акции Wal Mart Stores.

Ожидаем 83.70. Сколько взять?

Тони- Утро. Беру на 300000$ Могу?

Gofry - Ты в игре. Ожидания пол года год

возможно раньше.



Блог им. w88 |The story. As Toni , has increased one million Part 9.

Telephone conversation. 2015.03.20.

Toni — Greetings! .58.40. Thanks. So it is fast.

Gofry ---Greetings. Quickly sometimes happens. I congratulat


Телефонный разговор. 2015.03.20.

Toni--Привет! 58.40. Спасибо.Так быстро.

Gofry--- Привет. Быстро иногда бывает.Поздравляю.

Блог им. w88 |The story. As Toni , has increased one million Part 8.

Telephone conversation.

. 2015.03.15.

Toni — Morning Gofry, has waited you, how a trip?

Gofry — Morning Toni, thanks is normal, the world has looked around of light,


Toni — I Can a question on the business, what action to buy on 300000 $.

Gofry — ---At present, we plan to buy tomorrow on

Opening of the market, action Merck. Co. We expect growth till 58.40.

It is possible to take on 2 $ profits from the action. To wait, a floor of year, year,

Probably earlier.

Тoni — the friend.

Translation from a site)

Telephone conversation.

. 2015.03.15.

Toni-- Утро Gofry, дождался тебя, как поездка?

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