MMK Financial Statements (MAGN)
Report date
02.02.2021 |
28.02.2022 |
06.02.2024 |
06.02.2024 |
17.10.2024 |
Financial report URL
Annual report URL
Presentation URL
Steel production, mln tonnes |
11.6 |
13.6 |
11.7 |
13.0 |
11.2 |
11.2 |
Steel products production, mln tonnes |
9.34 |
10.4 |
9.08 |
9.94 |
9.94 |
9.49 |
Steel sales, mln tonnes |
10.8 |
12.5 |
10.7 |
11.8 |
10.6 |
10.6 |
Share of export sales, % |
17.0% |
27.4% |
Pipe sales volumes, mln tonnes |
0.083 |
0.072 |
0.095 |
0.109 |
0.111 |
Steel cash cost, $/ton |
269 |
400 |
Steel product price, $/ton |
558 |
909 |
Revenue, bln rub |
? |
460.2 |
873.2 |
699.8 |
763.4 |
1 014 |
Operating Income, bln rub |
67.9 |
276.2 |
109.9 |
146.2 |
170.8 |
EBITDA, bln rub |
? |
107.5 |
315.8 |
155.1 |
195.6 |
237.2 |
Net profit, bln rub |
? |
43.7 |
229.3 |
70.2 |
118.2 |
134.4 |
OCF, bln rub |
? |
89.4 |
198.8 |
142.7 |
114.9 |
236.5 |
CAPEX, bln rub |
? |
50.4 |
83.1 |
79.5 |
94.9 |
69.2 |
FCF, bln rub |
? |
40.8 |
118.0 |
72.5 |
30.8 |
29.9 |
Dividend payout, bln rub
44.0 |
89.3 |
30.8 |
27.9 |
Dividend, rub/share
? |
3.943 |
7.988 |
2.752 |
2.494 |
Ordinary share dividend yield, %
7.1% |
11.5% |
0.0% |
5.3% |
0.0% |
6.1% |
Dividend payout ratio, %
101% |
39% |
0% |
26% |
21% |
OPEX, bln rub |
55.0 |
80.0 |
60.7 |
74.3 |
97.3 |
Cost of production, bln rub |
337.3 |
517.0 |
527.2 |
543.4 |
745.9 |
Employment expenses, bln rub |
51.6 |
56.9 |
62.1 |
69.7 |
68.5 |
Interest expenses, bln rub |
1.80 |
1.80 |
2.66 |
2.88 |
1.73 |
Assets, bln rub |
553.6 |
721.8 |
737.8 |
902.0 |
914.2 |
Net Assets, bln rub |
? |
338.5 |
468.3 |
535.4 |
662.0 |
673.9 |
Debt, bln rub |
71.7 |
71.4 |
73.3 |
70.3 |
43.6 |
Cash, bln rub |
78.2 |
101.4 |
144.2 |
161.8 |
139.7 |
Net debt, bln rub |
-6.51 |
-29.9 |
-70.9 |
-91.5 |
0.00 |
-96.1 |
Ordinary share price, rub |
55.9 |
69.5 |
33.0 |
52.2 |
38.5 |
40.9 |
Number of ordinary shares, mln |
11 174 |
11 174 |
11 174 |
11 174 |
11 174 |
11 174 |
Market cap, bln rub |
624.8 |
776.3 |
368.3 |
582.7 |
430.5 |
457.5 |
EV, bln rub |
? |
618.3 |
746.3 |
297.4 |
491.3 |
430.5 |
361.3 |
Book value, bln rub |
335.6 |
465.5 |
532.8 |
658.2 |
0.00 |
669.2 |
EPS, rub |
? |
3.91 |
20.5 |
6.28 |
10.6 |
0.00 |
12.0 |
FCF/share, rub |
3.65 |
10.6 |
6.49 |
2.75 |
0.00 |
2.68 |
BV/share, rub |
30.0 |
41.7 |
47.7 |
58.9 |
0.00 |
59.9 |
EBITDA margin, % |
? |
23.4% |
36.2% |
22.2% |
25.6% |
23.4% |
Net margin, % |
? |
9.5% |
26.3% |
10.0% |
15.5% |
13.3% |
FCF yield, % |
? |
6.5% |
15.2% |
19.7% |
5.3% |
0.0% |
6.5% |
ROE, % |
? |
12.9% |
49.0% |
13.1% |
17.9% |
19.9% |
ROA, % |
? |
7.9% |
31.8% |
9.5% |
13.1% |
14.7% |
P/E |
? |
14.3 |
3.39 |
5.25 |
4.93 |
3.40 |
15.3 |
6.58 |
5.08 |
19.0 |
15.3 |
P/S |
? |
1.36 |
0.89 |
0.53 |
0.76 |
0.45 |
P/BV |
? |
1.86 |
1.67 |
0.69 |
0.89 |
0.68 |
? |
5.75 |
2.36 |
1.92 |
2.51 |
1.52 |
-0.06 |
-0.09 |
-0.46 |
-0.47 |
-0.41 |
Employees, people |
56 609 |
Labour productivity, mln rub/person/year |
8.13 |
Expenses per employee, thousand rub |
911.7 |
R&D/CAPEX, % |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
0 |
CAPEX/Revenue, % |
11% |
10% |
11% |
12% |
7% |
MMK shareholders |