NOVATEK Financial Statements (NVTK)

НОВАТЭК   2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Report date 19.02.2020 17.02.2021 15.02.2022 16.03.2023 09.02.2024
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Oil production, mln tonnes 12.1 12.2 12.3 11.9 12.4
Gas production, bln m3 74.7 77.4 79.9 82.1 82.4
Gas export, bln m3 12.8 8.9 7.9 8.5
Revenue, bln rub ? 528.5 487.8 729.7 804.7 857.4
Operating Income, bln rub 95.9 65.7 150.5 180.5 209.1
Net profit, bln rub ? 237.2 376.6 318.3 640.4 530.4
OCF, bln rub ? 78.6 116.0 -26.8
CAPEX, bln rub ? 0.007 11.0 0.887
FCF, bln rub ? 78.6 105.0 -27.7
Dividend payout, bln rub 98.2 108.0 216.9 320.5 238.6
Dividend, rub/share ? 32.33 35.56 71.44 105.58 78.59
Ordinary share dividend yield, % 2.6% 2.8% 4.2% 9.8% 5.3%
Dividend payout ratio, % 41% 29% 68% 50% 45%
OPEX, bln rub 137.9 151.6 154.6 172.3 177.2
Cost of production, bln rub 294.7 270.5 424.7 451.9 471.1
Employment expenses, bln rub 17.8 28.1 18.5
Interest expenses, bln rub 5.77 6.64 4.71
Assets, bln rub 899.8 1 284 1 411 1 782 2 212
Net Assets, bln rub ? 718.6 1 004 1 167 1 537 1 779
Debt, bln rub 112.6 178.6 151.2 107.7 168.8
Cash, bln rub 7.70 29.4 13.4 66.2 104.8
Net debt, bln rub 104.9 149.1 137.8 41.5 64.0
Ordinary share price, rub 1 262 1 264 1 720 1 073 1 469
Number of ordinary shares, mln 3 036 3 036 3 036 3 036 3 036
Market cap, bln rub 3 832 3 837 5 222 3 258 4 460
EV, bln rub ? 3 937 3 986 5 360 3 299 4 524
Book value, bln rub 718.6 1 004 1 167 1 537 1 779
EPS, rub ? 78.1 124.0 104.8 210.9 174.7
FCF/share, rub 25.9 34.6 -9.11 0.00 0.00
BV/share, rub 236.7 330.8 384.2 506.3 585.9
EBITDA margin, % ? 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Net margin, % ? 44.9% 77.2% 43.6% 79.6% 61.9%
FCF yield, % ? 2.1% 2.7% -0.5% 0.0% 0.0%
ROE, % ? 33.0% 37.5% 27.3% 41.7% 29.8%
ROA, % ? 26.4% 29.3% 22.6% 35.9% 24.0%
P/E ? 16.2 10.2 16.4 5.09 8.41
P/FCF 48.8 36.5 -188.7
P/S ? 7.25 7.87 7.16 4.05 5.20
P/BV ? 5.33 3.82 4.48 2.12 2.51
Employees, people 15 445 16 821
Labour productivity, mln rub/person/year 34.2 29.0
Expenses per employee, thousand rub 1 155 1 671
R&D/CAPEX, % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
CAPEX/Revenue, % 0% 2% 0% 0% 0%
NOVATEK shareholders