#property copyright "Copyright 2019, Example Inc." #property link "https://www.example.com" input int LotSize = 1; input int Period = 30; input double VolatilityThreshold = 0.1; input int ExitAfterMinutes = 60; int buyOrderId; int sellOrderId; datetime entryTime; void OnTick() { // Get the last Period candlesticks ArraySetAsSeries(candles, true); CopyRates(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, TimeCurrent() - Period, Period, candles); // Calculate the maximum and minimum prices double maxPrice = High(candles); double minPrice = Low(candles); // Calculate the standard deviation of the closing prices double stdev = iStdDev(candles, MODE_CLOSE, 0); // Check if the volatility is above the threshold if (stdev > VolatilityThreshold) { // Check if the current ask price is higher than the maximum price if (Ask > maxPrice) { // Place a buy order if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, LotSize, Ask, 3, 0, 0, "My order", 16384, 0, Green)) { Print("Buy order placed"); buyOrderId = OrderTicket(); entryTime = TimeCurrent(); } else { Print("Error placing buy order : ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } // Check if the current bid price is lower than the minimum price if (Bid < minPrice) { // Place a sell order if (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, LotSize, Bid, 3, 0, 0, "My order", 16384, 0, Red)) { Print("Sell order placed"); sellOrderId = OrderTicket(); entryTime = TimeCurrent(); } else { Print("Error placing sell order : ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } } if (buyOrderId > 0) { if (TimeCurrent() - entryTime >= ExitAfterMinutes * 60) { if (OrderClose(buyOrderId, LotSize, Bid, 3, clrNONE)) { Print("Buy order closed"); buyOrderId = 0; } else { Print("Error closing buy order : ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } } if (sellOrderId > 0) { if (TimeCurrent() - entryTime >= ExitAfterMinutes * 60) { if (OrderClose(sellOrderId, LotSize, Ask, 3, clrNONE)) { Print("Sell order closed"); sellOrderId = 0; } else { Print("Error closing sell order : ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } } }
Settings =
Name = «DHLM»,
line =
Name = «High»,
Color = RGB(0,200,64),
Width = 1
Name = «Low»,
Color = RGB(200,0,64),
Width = 1
Name = «Median»,
Color = RGB(0,64,200),
Width = 1
local hlm = {}
local math_max = math.max
local math_min = math.minfunction Init()
return #Settings.line
function OnCalculate(index)
local dt = T(index)if O(index) then
if dt.day ~= hlm.day or
dt.month ~= hlm.month or
dt.year ~= hlm.year then
hlm.year = dt.year
hlm.day = dt.day
hlm.month = dt.month
hlm.high = H(index)
hlm.low = L(index)
hlm.high = math_max(hlm.high,H(index))
hlm.low = math_min(hlm.low,L(index))
hlm.median = (hlm.high + hlm.low)/2
return hlm.high,hlm.low,hlm.median
// Scalping strategy for algotrading // Define variables for strategy double stop_loss = 0.5; // stop loss in percentage double take_profit = 2; // take profit in percentage // On every tick void OnTick() { // Get the current bid and ask prices double bid = Bid; double ask = Ask; // Get the previous bid and ask prices double prev_bid = iBars(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0); double prev_ask = iBars(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0); // Check if the current bid price is higher than the previous ask price if (bid > prev_ask) { // Open a long position with a stop loss and take profit double lot_size = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * 0.01 / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL), 2); OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lot_size, ask, 3, bid * (1 - stop_loss/100), bid * (1 + take_profit/100)); } // Check if the current ask price is lower than the previous bid price else if (ask < prev_bid) { // Open a short position with a stop loss and take profit double lot_size = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * 0.01 / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL), 2); OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lot_size, bid, 3, ask * (1 + stop_loss/100), ask * (1 - take_profit/100)); } }