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09/01/2016 18:59:43 [BN]
Elon Musk and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good $779 Million Day
He has a lot riding on his plan to merge Tesla and SolarCity
A high-risk taker, ‘his skin is completely in the game’
By David Welch, Dana Hull and Tom Metcalf
Elon Musk has a lot riding on his plan to merge Tesla Motors
Inc. with SolarCity Corp. — including a big chunk of his $8.3 billion fortune.
He may be better off just giving up on the debt-ridden solar-panel installer and
focusing on turning Tesla into a profitable enterprise. But Musk has a long
history of throwing his money after his grand visions, like weaning the world
off fossil fuels and colonizing Mars, sometimes running very low on cash and
coming close, by his own admission, to personal bankruptcy.
“He’s got guts, I’ll give him that,” said Ross Gerber, chief executive officer of
Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management, which has a $5 million
position in Tesla and has recently been selling shares. “He really pushes it out
on his companies, but Elon could implode.”
As it is, only about 4 percent of his net worth is tied up in SolarCity, of which
he’s the chairman and largest shareholder. The company has been burning cash at a prodigious rate and, according to regulatory filings, is getting closer to defaulting on its $3 billion in debt. If the proposed acquisition by Tesla doesn’t come to pass, and SolarCity burns out, Musk will take a relatively minor hit.
He suffered one Thursday, when his fortune, on paper, shrank by $779 million, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. That was due to two factors: drops in the companies’ stock prices; and Wednesday’s regulatory filing showing he has put up an additional $489 million of his Tesla and SolarCity stock as collateral to secure personal borrowings. The pledged shares are stripped out of his total net worth calculation because they’re not immediately available to him. The borrowing is for personal liquidity; he doesn’t even accept the $37,584 minimum-wage salary Tesla is required to pay him.
КОПИПАСТА!!! — графическая часть просадки Musk's mney $779 M по-позжей
«Осталось потерпеть ещё чуть-чуть» — и все будет, заживем так заживем... Новые фабрики, model 3, разработка и т.д
Tesla Motors Inc plans to raise additional money this year to help fund development and production of its new Model 3 sedan and build out a massive battery factory, the company said on Wednesday.
The electric carmaker plans to raise money through an equity or debt offering, it said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Some of that money could also support Tesla's planned acquisition of its money-losing sister company, SolarCity Corp.
14 кварталов подряд убытка, а бабосики стригут и стригут. Ай да Маск, во дает, стрижет буратин и хомяков круче яблока.
А теперь вам покажут как публично распилить 2.6 млрд. зеленых))
Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) собирается выяснить, не нарушила ли автокомпания Tesla закон, умолчав о смертельной аварии при продаже инвесторам своих акций на $ 600 млн, передает The Wall Street Journal.
По данным портала, SEC проводит предварительную проверку по факту размещения компанией Tesla своих акций на $ 600 млн в середине мая.
Как сообщалось, в начале мая электромобиль Tesla, двигавшийся с включенной функцией автопилота, попал в ДТП, в результате чего погиб водитель машины.
Об этой аварии стало известно только в конце июня, когда Управление по безопасности дорожного движения США возбудило расследование; во время размещения Tesla своих акций широкой общественности было неизвестно об этом ДТП.
Спустя несколько дней после сообщений об аварии акции Tesla потеряли в цене около 10%, из-за чего инвесторы могли понести убытки.
Расследование SEC находится пока на очень ранней стадии и может не привести к каким-либо действиям со стороны регулятора.