Интересная свечная модель «Трехбарный разворот», позволяющая получать новые идеи для торговли.
#ThreeBarReverse.Показывает паттерн «Трехбарный разворот»
def bSignalDown = open[2]<close[2] and low[1]>low[2] and low[1]<high[2] and high[1]>high[2] and high<high[1] and close[1]<low[1];
def bSignalUp = open[2]>close[2] and low[1]<low[2] and low[2]<high[1] and low[1]<low[2] and low>low[1] and low<high[1] and close>high[1];
plot out = if bSignalUp then 1 else if bSignalDown then 2 else 100;
AssignBackgroundColor (if (out == 1) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (out == 2) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black);
out.AssignValueColor (if out <> 100 then Color.black else Color.CURRENT);
Полная библиотека индикаторов в нашем блоге goo.gl/9JRWUi
#Thinkorswim studies #FIBO по прошлой неделе #Показывает на графике уровни Фибоначчи по предыдущему недельному бару #Thinkorswim https://RadchenkoVY.com/TOS input price = close; input showOnlyToday = yes; input ShowLabels = no; input period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK; # если нужно чтобы показывало Фибоначчи по бару не предыдущей недели, а вчерашнего дня, то измените здесь просто на AggregationPeriod.DAY; input displace = 1; def prevHigh = if (showOnlyToday and !IsNaN(close(period = period)[-1])) or isnan(close[1]) then double.nan else high(period = period)[displace]; def prevLow = if (showOnlyToday and !IsNaN(close(period = period)[-1])) or isnan(close[1]) then double.nan else low(period = period)[displace]; def shouldplot = yes; plot pivot = if shouldPlot then (prevHigh) else Double.NaN; pivot.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); pivot.SetDefaultColor(Color.yelLOW); plot h7 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 2 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h7.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h7.SetDefaultColor(Color.Green); plot h8 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 1.764 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h8.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h8.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h9 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 1.618 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h9.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h9.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h10 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 1.5 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h10.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h10.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h11 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 1.382 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h11.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h11.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h12 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 1.214 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h12.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h12.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h1 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 1 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h1.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h1.SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN); plot h2 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 0.764 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h2.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h2.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h3 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 0.618 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h3.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h3.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h4 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 0.5 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h4.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h4.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h5 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 0.382 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h5.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h5.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot h6 = if shouldPlot then pivot + 0.214 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; h6.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); h6.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l1 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 1 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l1.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l1.SetDefaultColor(Color.yelLOW); plot l2 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 0.764 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l2.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l2.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l3 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 0.618 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l3.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l3.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l4 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 0.5 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l4.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l4.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l5 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 0.382 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l5.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l5.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l6 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 0.214 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l6.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l6.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l7 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 2 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l7.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l7.SetDefaultColor(Color.RED); plot l8 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 1.764 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l8.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l8.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l9 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 1.618 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l9.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l9.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l10 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 1.5 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l10.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l10.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l11 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 1.382 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l11.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l11.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY); plot l12 = if shouldPlot then pivot - 1.214 * (prevHigh - prevLow) else Double.NaN; l12.SetStyle(Curve.FIRM); l12.SetDefaultColor(Color.gRAY);Полная библиотека индикаторов, фильтров и и сканеров для Thinkorswim в этом блоге http://bit.ly/2vKq4F8
Ищет базы на круглых уровнях, кратных 10 центам или на вчерашних ценовых экстремумах дня. Имеет 4 сигнала для индикации.
#Base_Level_PrevHiLow.Ищет базу, на уровнях 10-20-30 или на вчерашних HiLow
def iDiff = 0.01; #максимальное отклонение в центах
def iBars = 4; #число баров для просмотра
def iLowest = lowest(low,iBars);
def iHighest = highest(high,iBars);
def iHiPrevDay = high(period = «DAY»)[1];
def iLowPrevDay = Low(period = «DAY»)[1];
def bBaseLow = fold Lbar = 0 to iBars with Lsumm=1 do if ((low[Lbar]-iLowest)<=iDiff) then Lsumm*1 else Lsumm*0;
def bBaseHigh = fold Hbar = 0 to iBars with Hsumm=1 do if ((iHighest-high[Hbar])<=iDiff) then Hsumm*1 else Hsumm*0;
def iLevelLow = fold LLbar = 0 to iBars with LLsumm do if (low[LLbar] == roundDown(low[LLbar],1)) then LLsumm+1 else LLsumm;
def iLevelHigh = fold LHbar = 0 to iBars with LHsumm do if (high[LHbar] == roundUp(High[LHbar],1)) then LHsumm+1 else LHsumm;
def iDayLow = fold DLbar = 0 to iBars with DLsumm do if (Low[DLbar] == iHiPrevDay) then DLsumm+1 else DLsumm;
def iDayHigh = fold DHbar = 0 to iBars with DHsumm do if (High[DHbar] == iLowPrevDay) then DHsumm+1 else DHsumm;
plot bBase = if (bBaseLow and iLevelLow ) then 1 else if (bBaseHigh and iLevelHigh ) then 2 else if (bBaseLow and iDayLow) then 3 else if (bBaseHigh and iDayHigh) then 4 else 100;
AssignBackgroundColor (if (bBase == 1 or bBase == 3) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (bBase == 2 or bBase == 4) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black);
Находит на графике свечную формацию Реверсивный разворот.
#Revers.Показывает паттерн «Реверсивный разворот»
def bSignalUp = high[1]>high[2] and close[1]>high[2] and open>high[1] and close<close[1];
def bSignalDown = high[1]<high[2] and close[1]<low[2] and open<low[1] and close>close[1];
plot up = if bSignalUp then high else double.NaN;
plot down = if bSignalDown then high else double.NaN;
<strong>#Ищет базу на любых уровнях.</strong> #Cнять галочку Include Extended Session #Thinkorswim https://RadchenkoVY.com/TOS def iDiff = 0.00; #максимальное отклонение в центах def iBars = 4; #число баров для просмотра def iLowest = lowest(low,iBars); def iHighest = highest(high,iBars); def bBaseLow = fold Lbar = 0 to iBars with Ls=1 do if ((low[Lbar]-iLowest)<=iDiff) then Ls*1 else Ls*0; def bBaseHigh = fold Hbar = 0 to iBars with Hs=1 do if ((iHighest-high[Hbar])<=iDiff) then Hs*1 else Hs*0; plot bBase = if bBaseLow then 1 else if bBaseHigh then 2 else 100; AssignBackgroundColor (if (bBase == 1) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (bBase == 2) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black); bBase.AssignValueColor (if bBase <> 100 then Color.black else Color.CURRENT);
<strong>#Ищет базу на уровнях кратным 50 центам.</strong> #Cнять галочку Include Extended Session #Thinkorswim https://RadchenkoVY.com/TOS def iDiff = 0.00; #максимальное отклонение в центах def iBars = 4; #число баров для просмотра def iLowest = lowest(low,iBars); def iHighest = highest(high,iBars); def bBaseLow = fold Lbar = 0 to iBars with Lsumm=1 do if ((low[Lbar]-iLowest)<=iDiff) then Lsumm*1 else Lsumm*0; def bBaseHigh = fold Hbar = 0 to iBars with Hsumm=1 do if ((iHighest-high[Hbar])<=iDiff) then Hsumm*1 else Hsumm*0; def iFigureLow = fold FLbar = 1 to iBars+1 with FLsumm do if (low[FLbar] == (Floor(low[FLbar]*2))/2) then FLsumm+1 else FLsumm; def iFigureHigh = fold FHbar = 1 to iBars+1 with FHsumm do if (high[FHbar] == (Ceil(high[FHbar]*2))/2) then FHsumm+1 else FHsumm; plot bBase = if (bBaseLow and iFigureLow) then 1 else if (bBaseHigh and iFigureHigh) then 2 else 100; AssignBackgroundColor (if (bBase == 1) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (bBase == 2) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black); bBase.AssignValueColor (if bBase <> 100 then Color.black else Color.CURRENT);
Ищет на графике свечную модель «Внешний бар». Без настроек. Просто установите и пользуйтесь.
#Outside_Bar.Показывает паттерн «Внешний бар»
#Cнять галочку Include Extended Session
def bSignalDown=open[1]<close[1]and high>high[1] and close<low[1] or open[1]>close[1] and high>high[1] and close<low[1];
def bSignalUp = open[1]>close[1] and low<low[1] and close>high[1] or open[1]<close[1] and low<low[1] and close>high[1];
plot out = if bSignalUp then 1 else if bSignalDown then 2 else 100;
AssignBackgroundColor (if (out == 1) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (out == 2) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black);
out.AssignValueColor (if out <> 100 then Color.black else Color.CURRENT);
Полная библиотека индикаторов в нашем блоге goo.gl/9JRWUi
Поиск довольно редкой свечной модели «Двойной внешний бар»
#Double_Outside_bar.Показывает паттерн «Двойной внешний бар»
#Cнять галочку Include Extended Session
def bSignalDown = 0;
def bSignalUp = high[2]<high[1] and high[1]<high and low[2]>low[1] and low[1]>low and close>high[1];
plot out = if bSignalUp then 1 else if bSignalDown then 2 else 100;
AssignBackgroundColor (if (out == 1) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (out == 2) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black);
out.AssignValueColor (if out <> 100 then Color.black else Color.CURRENT);
#Thinkorswim studies #Рисует показатели акции прямо на графике. #Позволяет быстро увидеть ATR акции, средний объем и т.д. #Thinkorswim https://RadchenkoVY.com/TOS def length = 14; # сколько дней учитывать при расчетах показателей input AvgVolume = {default "1", "0"}; input ATR = {default "1", "0"}; input VolumePlay = {default "1", "0"}; input ATRPlay = {default "1", "0"}; input Volume_ = {default "1", "0"}; input IQTicker = {default "1", "0"}; #IQ AddLabel (yes,"RadchenkoVY.COM", Color.LIGHT_GREEN); def iATR = Round((Average(high(period = "DAY"), length ) - Average(low(period = "DAY"), length )), 2); AddLabel (!ATR, "ATR " + iATR, Color.WHITE); def iATRPlay = Round((high(period = "DAY") - low(period = "DAY")) / iATR, 1); AddLabel (!ATRPlay, "ATRPlay " + iATRPlay, Color.LIGHT_GREEN); def iAvgVolume = Round(Average (volume(period = "DAY")[1], length), 1); AddLabel (!AvgVolume, "AvgVol " + iAvgVolume, Color.WHITE); def iVolume = volume(period = "DAY"); AddLabel (!Volume_, "Vol " + iVolume, Color.LIGHT_GREEN); def iVolumePlay = Round(iVolume / Average(volume(period = "DAY"), length), 1); AddLabel (!VolumePlay, "VolPlay " + iVolumePlay, Color.LIGHT_GREEN); def IQ = round ((iAvgVolume/390*iATR/1000),0); AddLabel (!IQTicker, "IQ " + IQ, Color.WHITE);
Полная библиотека индикаторов, фильтрови и сканеров для Thinkorswim в этом блоге bit.ly/2vKq4F8
Скрипт ищет базы на фигурах или на уровнях вчерашних экстремумов дня. Тоже уровни очень сильные. Имеет 4 цифры для сигналов.
#Base_Figure_PrevHiLow.Скрипт ищет базы на круглых уровнях 50,100 центов или на вчерашних HiLow
def iDiff = 0.01; #максимальное отклонение в центах
def iBars = 4; #число баров для просмотра
def iLowest = lowest(low,iBars);
def iHighest = highest(high,iBars);
def iHiPrevDay = high(period = «DAY»)[1];
def iLowPrevDay = Low(period = «DAY»)[1];
def bBaseLow = fold Lbar = 0 to iBars with Lsumm=1 do if ((low[Lbar]-iLowest)<=iDiff) then Lsumm*1 else Lsumm*0;
def bBaseHigh = fold Hbar = 0 to iBars with Hsumm=1 do if ((iHighest-high[Hbar])<=iDiff) then Hsumm*1 else Hsumm*0;
def iFigureLow = fold FLbar = 1 to iBars+1 with FLsumm do if (low[FLbar] == (Floor(low[FLbar]*2))/2) then FLsumm+1 else FLsumm;
def iFigureHigh = fold FHbar = 1 to iBars+1 with FHsumm do if (high[FHbar] == (Ceil(high[FHbar]*2))/2) then FHsumm+1 else FHsumm;
def iDayLow = fold DLbar = 0 to iBars with DLsumm do if (Low[DLbar] == iHiPrevDay) then DLsumm+1 else DLsumm;
def iDayHigh = fold DHbar = 0 to iBars with DHsumm do if (High[DHbar] == iLowPrevDay) then DHsumm+1 else DHsumm;
plot bBase = if (bBaseLow and iFigureLow ) then 1 else if (bBaseHigh and iFigureHigh ) then 2 else if (bBaseLow and iDayLow) then 3 else if (bBaseHigh and iDayHigh) then 4 else 100;
AssignBackgroundColor (if (bBase == 1 or bBase == 3) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if (bBase == 2 or bBase == 4) then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.black);
Полная библиотека индикаторов в нашем блоге goo.gl/9JRWUi