к корпоративным и субфед облигациям на ММВБ
вполне возможно с 01.01.14 через еврклир и этим можно будет торговать
основные «бенефициары» это длинные корпораты и субфеды инвест рейтинга — Роснефть, РЖД, ФСК, НЛМК, Москва, С-Пб и Якутия
Duma approved in final 3rd reading tax amendments, required for corps&munis euroclearability. Assuming Euroclear is happy with those (which is likely), this opens way for corps&muni euroclearability since Jan, 1 2014 (date was confirmed on Friday by Deputy Finance Minister Moiseev). One grey area is the extent to which corp exchange-traded bonds will become euroclearable. Although legal rules, which previously forbade otc settlement of all exchange-traded bonds were subsequently lifted, some of exchange-bonds have specific phrase in their prospectus, saying that they can only be traded on exchange.