Особенности демократии в Южной Корее
Обострение классовой борьбы в Сеуле: разные кланы коррупционеров борются за государственную ренту.
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function OnInit (scriptPath) lu = require ("LuaUtil(lu)") ScriptDir, ScriptName = lu.SplitPath (scriptPath) DataPath = ScriptDir .. ScriptName ..".dat" message (DataPath) end -- OnInit() function dtToStr (dt) return type (dt) ~= "table" and "nil" or string.format ("%4d.%02d.%02d", dt.year, dt.month, dt.day) end function main() os.execute ("notepad.exe ".. DataPath) dofile (DataPath) DS, err = CreateDataSource (ClassCode, SecCode, INTERVAL_D1) if not DS then message ("err\n".. err) return end local ini, fin = 1, DS:Size() for i = 1, fin do local dt = dtToStr (DS:T(i)) if dt >= IniDate then ini = i break end end local finPrice = DS:C(fin) local finDate = DS:T(fin) local iniPrice = DS:C(ini) local iniDate = DS:T(ini) local iniTime = os.
function OnInit (scriptPath) lu = require ("LuaUtil(lu)") ScriptDir, ScriptName = lu.SplitPath (scriptPath) DataPath = ScriptDir .. ScriptName ..".dat" message (DataPath) end -- OnInit() function dtToStr (dt) return type (dt) ~= "table" and "nil" or string.format ("%4d.%02d.%02d", dt.year, dt.month, dt.day) end function main() os.execute ("notepad.exe ".. DataPath) dofile (DataPath) DS, err = CreateDataSource (ClassCode, SecCode, INTERVAL_D1) if not DS then message ("err\n".. err) return end local ini, fin = 1, DS:Size() for i = 1, fin do local dt = dtToStr (DS:T(i)) if dt >= IniDate then ini = i break end end local finPrice = DS:C(fin) local finDate = DS:T(fin) local iniPrice = DS:C(ini) local iniDate = DS:T(ini) local iniTime = os.
function OnInit (scriptPath) lu = require ("LuaUtil(lu)") ScriptDir, ScriptName = lu.SplitPath (scriptPath) DataPath = ScriptDir .. ScriptName ..".dat" message (DataPath) end -- OnInit() function dtToStr (dt) return type (dt) ~= "table" and "nil" or string.format ("%4d.%02d.%02d", dt.year, dt.month, dt.day) end function main() os.execute ("notepad.exe ".. DataPath) dofile (DataPath) DS, err = CreateDataSource (ClassCode, SecCode, INTERVAL_D1) if not DS then message ("err\n".. err) return end local ini, fin = 1, DS:Size() for i = 1, fin do local dt = dtToStr (DS:T(i)) if dt >= IniDate then ini = i break end end local finPrice = DS:C(fin) local finDate = DS:T(fin) local iniPrice = DS:C(ini) local iniDate = DS:T(ini) local iniTime = os.