Sberbank Financial Statements (SBER)

Сбербанк   2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Report date 15.01.2021 13.03.2023 13.03.2023 14.03.2024 17.01.2025
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Net interest income, bln rub ? 1 441 1 703 1 800 2 438 2 623
Net commission income, bln rub ? 509.0 584.2 618.1 774.0 746.4
Income on securities, bln rub ? 196.0 313.3 410.7 541.6
Number of cliens, mln clients 108.5 109.9
Net profit, bln rub ? 782.0 1.22 295.8 1 481 1 562
Dividend payout, bln rub 422.4 0.000 564.7 752.2
Dividend, rub/share ? 18.7 0 25 33.3
Ordinary share dividend yield, % 6.9% 0.0% 17.7% 12.3% 0.0%
Preferred share dividend, rub/share 18.7 0 25 33.3
Preferred share dividend yield, % 7.8% 0.0% 17.8% 12.2% 0.0%
Dividend payout ratio, % 54% 0% 191% 51% 0%
Net debt, bln rub 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bank assets, bln rub 33 146 37 799 40 348 50 308 58 308
Capital, bln rub 4 758 5 349 5 585 6 482 6 941
Loan portfolio, bln rub 45 262
Corporate loans, bln rub 15 471 27 756
Retail loans, bln rub 8 474 17 506
Deposits, bln rub 23 511 27 617 31 089 38 965 40 744
Corporate deposits, bln rub 7 800 10 272 12 456 16 168 13 152
Retail deposits, bln rub 15 711 17 345 18 633 23 066 27 592
Provision for loan impairment, bln rub 1 572
Core capital adequacy ratio, % ? 11.2%
Total capital adequacy ratio, % ? 14.9%
Loan to deposit ratio, % ? 0% 0% 0% 0% 111%
Ordinary share price, rub 271.0 293.1 141.3 271.5 279.2
Number of ordinary shares, mln 21 587 21 587 21 587 21 587 21 587
Preferred share price, rub 240.7 278.5 140.3 272.5 279.4
Number of preferred shares, mln 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Market cap, bln rub 6 091 6 606 3 189 6 132 6 305
EV, bln rub ? 6 091 6 606 3 189 6 132 6 305
EPS, rub ? 36.2 0.06 13.7 68.6 72.4
ROE, % ? 16.5%
ROA, % ? 2.6%
P/E ? 7.79 5 414 10.8 4.14 4.04
P/B ? 1.28 1.23 0.57 0.95 0.91
Employees, people 285 600 287 866 210 700
Labour productivity, mln rub/person/year 0.00 0.00 0.00
Expenses per employee, thousand rub 0.00 0.00 0.00
IR rating 4.6 4.6 4.6
Financial statement quality 5 5 5
Investor Presentations 5 5 5
Smart-lab presence 2 2 2
Annual report 5 5 5
Investor site URL 5 5 5
Investor calendar 5 5 5
IR feedback 5 5 5
Sberbank shareholders