For this type of issue I always refer customer's to review the information on the Option Clearing Corporations website at
If a deal is announced and finalized, the final details of how the options for each symbol are affected will be announced by The OCC as this is the central clearing house for all US options.
While there is nothing currently announced for this situation, typically what will happen is that the OCC will view the deal, and will adjust the deliverable of the options.
For instance, if it is an all cash deal, you will simply receive/deliver cash upon the expiration of the options. If it is a stock deal, then instead of receiving shares of SWC,
you would receive shares of the purchasing company.
Either way, the OCC will have all the details regarding the adjustments. Just visit their website and type in the Ticket Symbol SWC in the top right search field.
Коротко: что будет — будет решать OCC, пока не известно что будет. Также возможно что решение будет в условиях сделки.На 1 февраля индекс ипотечного кредитования и запасы нефти EIA.
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