Утренняя передача «Торговый план» на видеопортале трейдеров YouTrade.TV 9 октября 2015 г.
S&P 500 +0.9%, и это максимальное закрытие с 20 августа — времени, когда фондовые рынки резко упали на новостях об продолжении обвала акций в Китае и слабости экономики.
Рост случился уже после закрытия Европы и ассоциируется с публикацией протокола заседания ФРС (Fed Minutes) недавнего сентябрьского заседания. Из него следует, что вероятность повышения ставки в декабре падает из-за опасений влияния мировой экономики, а именно, замедления Китая и других развивающихся рынков. Также из протокола следовало, что члены комитета FOMC, определяющие вопросы денежной политики, обеспокоены движениями рынков. Вот фрагмент, выделение наше:
“Participants discussed the potential implications of recent economic and financial developments abroad for U.S. economic activity and inflation. A material slowdown in economic growth in China and potential adverse spillovers to other economies were likely to depress U.S. net exports to some extent. In addition, concerns associated with developments in China and other emerging market economies had contributed to a further appreciation of the dollar and declines in prices of oil and other commodities, which were likely to hold down U.S. consumer price inflation in the near term. In the United States, equity prices fell, on balance, amid significant volatility, and risk spreads for businesses widened. Many participants judged that the effects of these developments on domestic economic activity were likely to be small, but they acknowledged the risk that they might restrain U.S. economic growth somewhat. In particular, the appreciation of the dollar since mid-2014 was still a substantial drag on net exports, and the further rise in the dollar over the intermeeting period could augment the restraint on U.S. net exports. Some participants commented that the recent decline in equity prices needed to be viewed in the context of overall valuation levels, which they saw as relatively high, and a couple noted that volatility had begun to subside.”