RusGidro Financial Statements (HYDR)

Русгидро   2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Report date 19.02.2021 17.02.2022 17.02.2023 21.02.2024 13.03.2025
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Installed capacity, GW 38.0 38.2 38.4 38.5 38.6
Installed thermal capacity, Gcal/hour 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0
Power generation, TWh*h 131.0 126.5 115.6 120.8 124.4
Supply of electricity, bln kWh 126.3 122.0 111.1 116.2 120.0
Supply of thermal power, mln Gcal 29.4 30.1 29.3 29.8 30.3
Revenue, bln rub ? 177.3 190.1 199.6 216.8 242.9
Operating Income, bln rub 74.3 76.1 79.4 92.7 114.6
EBITDA, bln rub ? 92.3 95.7 99.3 113.3 66.0
Net profit, bln rub ? 49.0 39.5 26.0 32.7 -13.4
Net profit not adj., bln rub ? 36.0 50.9 26.0
OCF, bln rub ? 73.3 70.7 77.5 68.9 70.1
CAPEX, bln rub ? 33.7 50.8 53.1 111.2 120.1
FCF, bln rub ? 39.6 20.0 24.5 -42.3 -50.0
Dividend payout, bln rub 23.3 23.3 22.4
Dividend, rub/share ? 0.053 0.053049 0.0503
Ordinary share dividend yield, % 6.8% 7.2% 6.6% 0.0% 0.0%
Dividend payout ratio, % 48% 59% 86% 0% 0%
OPEX, bln rub 7.54 8.08 8.50 10.00 11.3
Cost of production, bln rub 95.4 106.0 111.7 114.2 117.0
Amortization, bln rub 19.5 21.1
Employment expenses, bln rub 7.50 8.77 9.40 10.1
Interest expenses, bln rub 7.00 5.83 14.9 32.0
Assets, bln rub 1 108 1 037 1 028 1 178 1 318
Net Assets, bln rub ? 885.2 827.4 754.2 770.0 756.0
Debt, bln rub 140.3 114.6 179.6 310.5 456.0
Cash, bln rub 73.1 30.5 15.4 9.83 54.0
Net debt, bln rub 67.2 84.1 164.2 300.7 402.0
Ordinary share price, rub 0.784 0.742 0.761 0.712 0.516
Number of ordinary shares, mln 439 289 439 289 444 793 444 793 444 793
Market cap, bln rub 344.5 325.8 338.3 316.7 229.7
EV, bln rub ? 411.7 409.9 502.5 617.4 631.7
Book value, bln rub 885.2 827.4 754.2 770.0 756.0
EPS, rub ? 0.11 0.09 0.06 0.07 -0.03
FCF/share, rub 0.09 0.05 0.05 -0.10 -0.11
BV/share, rub 2.02 1.88 1.70 1.73 1.70
EBITDA margin, % ? 52.1% 50.3% 49.7% 52.3% 27.2%
Net margin, % ? 27.6% 20.8% 13.0% 15.1% -5.5%
FCF yield, % ? 11.5% 6.1% 7.2% -13.4% -21.8%
ROE, % ? 5.5% 4.8% 3.4% 4.2% -1.8%
ROA, % ? 4.4% 3.8% 2.5% 2.8% -1.0%
P/E ? 7.03 8.25 13.0 9.68 -17.1
P/FCF 8.70 16.3 13.8 -7.49 -4.59
P/S ? 1.94 1.71 1.69 1.46 0.95
P/BV ? 0.39 0.39 0.45 0.41 0.30
EV/EBITDA ? 4.46 4.28 5.06 5.45 9.57
Debt/EBITDA 0.73 0.88 1.65 2.65 6.09
Employees, people 66 018
Labour productivity, mln rub/person/year 2.69
Expenses per employee, thousand rub 0.00
R&D/CAPEX, % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Price/Capacity, rub/kW 10 833 10 735 13 072 16 042 16 377
CAPEX/Revenue, % 19% 27% 27% 51% 49%
RusGidro shareholders