Дата рождения: 09.06.1996
паспорт: серия 8015 № 350270, выдан 22.06.2016г. ОТДЕЛОМ УФМС РОССИИ ПО РЕСПУБЛИКЕ БАШКОРТОСТАН В г. ОКТЯБРЬСКИЙ, код подразделения 020-021, зарегистрированный по адресу: Республика Башкортостан С. Михайловка, улица Сливовая, дом № 1, кв. № 72
8 926 979-34-69
8 927 636-27-35
емайл: [email protected]
Адрес офиса: г. Москва, ул. Космонавтов д.6 (ВДНХ)
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Центр разработок Audi синтезировал бензин с октановым числом 100 без использования нефти. Полученное вещество, которое назвали E-benzin, по ряду характеристик превосходит стандартное топливо, получаемое на нефтеперерабатывающих заводах, сообщает пресс-служба немецкого бренда. E-benzin пригоден для использования в двигателях внутреннего сгорания и повышает производительность мотора.
Синтетическое топливо Audi представляет собой чистый изооктан без примесей серы и бензола. На первой стадии выработки e-benzin партнер Audi компания Global Bioenergies SA выпускает газ изобитулен из растительного сырья. Затем газ преобразуют в жидкость – изооктан. Global Bioenergies уже начала стендовые испытания моторов, работающих на e-benzin.A Wichita Falls man made news last week when he was arrested while trying to pay his property taxes.
Up to 10 million gallons (38 million liters) of crude oil from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill has settled at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, where it is threatening wildlife and marine ecosystems, according to a new study.
The finding helps solve the mystery of where the «missing» oil from the spill landed. Its location had eluded both the U.S. government and BP cleanup crews after the April 2010 disaster that caused about 200 million gallons (757 million liters) of crude oil to leak into the Gulf.
«This is going to affect the Gulf for years to come,» Jeff Chanton, the study's lead researcher and a professor of chemical oceanography at Florida State University, said in a statement. «Fish will likely ingest contaminants because worms ingest the sediment, and fish eat the worms. It's a conduit for contamination into the food web.»
The researchers took 62 sediment cores from an area encompassing 9,266 square miles (24,000 square kilometers) around the site of the Deepwater Horizon spill. Unlike other sediment on the ocean floor, oil does not contain any carbon-14, a radioactive isotope. Therefore, sediment samples without carbon-14 indicate that oil is present, Chanton said.
The scientists avoided areas with natural oil seeps, features in which oil slowly leaks onto the ocean floor through a series of cracks. In these areas, the sediment cores would have a lack of carbon-14 throughout the sample. In areas that don't normally have oil, «the oil is just in the surficial layer, like in that 0 to 1 centimeter [0 to 0.39 inches]» interval," Chanton told Live Science.
One year ago, I left San Francisco, sold and gave away everything I owned, and moved into a 40-liter backpack.
I traveled to 45 cities in 20 countries, three Disneylands, and one bunny island.
I also worked 50 hours a week building and launching a startup.
And my total costs were less than just the rent in San Francisco.
Traveling is not the same as vacationThere’s a growing community of “digital nomads” who live a location-independent lifestyle. We’re software developers, designers, writers, journalists, engineers and all sorts of people who share a passion for the work we do and experiencing the world.
I propose that a nomadic lifestyle is a productive way to build a real company. I’m working hard on bootstrapping an ambitious startup,Moo.do. I’m traveling because it’s cheaper, more productive and more inspiring than sitting in one place. Traveling is the most responsible choice for the sake of my company, my finances, and my personal growth.
Related: A Frequent Business Traveler's Rewarding Trip to 'Nowhere'
I became a nomad by accidentThree years ago I was preparing to leave my job at Microsoft to move to San Francisco to build a startup. My friend asked me, “but why do you need to be in San Francisco when you can work on a computer from anywhere?” His question made a lot of sense. As I thought about it more, I began to question my assumptions about a “normal life” which don’t make sense in our modern world.