Блог им. SUNDIO |Решение проблемы от ДеШиФрОвЩиКа.

    • 13 ноября 2018, 12:58
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    • Zorro
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Кто не в курсе, напоминаю, что судовые компании обратились к морякам за помощью в решении проблемы:

This is a world-wide initiative and involves multiple shipping companies. 

Goals and Objectives – To eradicate the problem or at least to reduce consequences of accidents involving people working in enclose spaces.

How – By organizing competition for the best idea how to deal with this issue. This will require you to brainstorm with you crew and fill up the excel sheet attached.

Audience – Mainly seafarers but other stake holders as well as they are very often part of the problem and not a solution as yet.

  Best solution could be simple, user friendly procedure, change or technology gadget which would be universally used by our seafarers.


  • Ship to have all potentially hazardous Enclose Space Entrances painted RED. RED meaning – entry only allowed with C/O permission and thorough checks carried out, full protective equipment required
  • Ship to have all potentially hazardous Enclose Space Entrances sealed.  Numbered Seal could only be removed by c/o after full Enclose Space Entry procedure executed.

Then send your response tooffice  with subject line as  “Enclosed space campaign”

Prize for the best idea:

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