But on Sunday Mr Corbyn insisted that delegates would have a «clear vote» on a second referendum, telling the BBC's Andrew Marr: «Let’s see what comes out of conference and then obviously I’m bound by the democracy of our party.
Jeremy Corbyn
“We’re having a debate at our conference and we will come to a conclusion on that. Our preference is that we will demand our six tests against the Government and our preference would be for a general election and we can then negotiate our future relationships with Europe. Let’s see what comes out of conference and then obviously I’m bound by the democracy of our party.”
John McDonnell
“The debate around the next manifesto will go on, but I really worry about another referendum. I’m desperately trying to avoid any rise of xenophobia that happened last time around; I’m desperately trying to avoid giving any opportunity to Ukip or the far right. I think there’s the real risk of that. We’re not ruling out a people’s vote, but there’s a real risk, and I think people need to take that into account when we’re arguing for one.”
Tom Watson
»It seems to me inconceivable that if the Labour Party conference decides that it wants a manifesto pledge on a people's vote that we would defy that decision. I think it's highly likely I would probably vote remain in the next one. But I would look at what the question is on offer and I would want to know what the deal is that comes out of the negotiations.”
Красный вариант — развивается волна b of 4^of с»of b’of 4*
возможного треугольника в волне 4^
Зеленый вариант — развивается волна b of 4^of 1″of 3’of 5*
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20.07 . По золоту зафиксирован первый пусть и небольшой импульс. Это даёт сигнал на покупку с текущих со стопом 1210. Движение выше 1230 подтвердит этот сценарий и даст возможность поднять стоп к 1215. (ссылка).
29.07.Волновая структура от 1210 куда больше похожа на коррекцию, чем на начало восходящего движения. В связи с этим склоняемся сценарию с новым локальным минимумом. Рекомендация: пока стоп остаётся нетронутым – наблюдаем, если 1215, а потом 1210 будут пройдены, будем ждать новой точки входа.(